Saturday, July 14, 2012

What a busy day!

Okay I have a few more minutes here to breathe, (lg inhale).

It certainly has been a busy day. Got up at 6:30 am, picked my mom up and we went and picked blackberry's. It was a good thing we went today because they are just about done for this season. I have determined that we are starting a blackberry patch here at the house. We picked on flat for mom and it cost her $30.00.

I understand the concept of having a business and making money, I used to be the regional manager of five retail stores. I do however believe there is a difference in making money and just flat ripping people off. So many people, primarily our children, need to be eating fresh fruits and vegetables, they simply cannot afford it. While waiting for our Tomato's to be ready my mom stopped at a road produce stand and they charged her $5 for three Tomato's. That is just insane! 

If you and I went to Wal Mart, each of us having $200 to spend, one of allowed to purchase only things that are good for you and healthy and the other only allowed to purchase junk food, the person purchasing junk food would have so much more food in their cart. And they wonder why in America we have such a problem with overweight people. The economy stinks, jobs are hard to find and you have to buy to eat what you can afford. (That coupled with the fact that game stations and TVs are the best babysitters, instead of getting kids outside running and playing ) Okay I'm off my soap box now.

After we got her Blackberry's we stopped at a couple of garage sales and then came on home.

Mint Jelly and Cantelope Jam has been made. I started Grand Scale Zuchinni Relish. You mix half of it together and then it has to sit for 24 hours before you can finish it. I had to get out of the kitchen for a few so hubby could make supper and then I'm back in there to finish up the Watermelon jelly, probably two batches of that. Again it's a good deal I have help because this is just too much in one day.

Then once it starts cooling off outside we have to go out and get another bed of green beans and a bed of peas planted. It's a good thing they are only 4x4 beds. I may not even make it out to get that done, hubby may have to do it without me because my CHP is really kicking in. I usually don't take MEDs in the middle of the day but I'm going to have to today and hope that I can get it under control enough to go to Church tomorrow.

I'm going to get the recipes I've been using put on here so that if you would like to try them you can. I won't get it done today, maybe Monday, but I will get them on here.

I'm off of here for now I've decided to lay down and take a little rest. I hope you are all having a wonderful day.

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