Friday, June 29, 2012

Roses, Roses and More Roses

I have to tell you that I don't really understand what is going on in many of our store locations, but I'm sure lovin it!

It seems to me summer and planting have really just started, there is so much warm weather ahead of us to be working on gardens and flower beds yet everywhere I turn stores are putting plants on clearance like they are expecting a snow storm tomorrow.

Past my not understanding, it has turned out really well for us. I love the Double Knock Out Rose Bushes, they are so easy to care for and just put out tons of blooms at a time. I'm fairly certain I have put pictures of my Rose Bush on here but will double check. If I haven't I will.

While wondering around in Wal Mart yesterday I noticed they had the Double Knock Out Roses on clearance. I nearly fell over at the price of only $4.49 each, so I bought another one. Then later that day I found myself back in the store for something and just had to go look at the roses again. Well the dept head was in there when I decided that I must have one more. She proceeded to tell me she just had to get rid of those things and if I would buy at least one more she would take half off the sale price making them $2.25 each or really buying one at the regular sale price and then getting another free. So yes indeed I walked out with 2 more, quite happy.

Well we went back tonight to pick up a few grocery items and of course I had to go look again. If I could keep a Fern alive I would have gotten several of them. They were huge, so large in fact that I believe with my limitations I would have had a hard time trying to get one in a cart. On sale $2.50 each. WHAT THE DEVIL I said to myself.

Then I rounded the corner and saw the large Rose Bushes, you know they great big REAL roses. The sale  price on them was $3.49 each, but they also were marking them in half again. I don't do math in my head very fast but I can see this is quite the deal,so in the cart goes 2 Pink, 2 Red and 2 white...I just about split I was so happy, then when I get to the register the young man tells me that half of that is $1.25 WHAT, You got it man, I nearly ran him over to go get more but I'm certain my husband was standing their poised to trip me if I tried. LOL. He has been great about all the plant buying, primarily since I keep seeking out sales, but 6 for one trip was his limit. Aside from that we were in our car and had to figure out how to put 6 thorny plants that are about half my height in the back seat and not use our daughter (she is 11) as  pin cushion on the 5 mile ride home. LOL.

We managed to get everyone home safe and I'm on hte search for large containers to put my bushes in. They are not allowed to be in our nasty ol clay soil here. They get nice big pots with compost and peat moss and all the yummy stuff they love that will make them grow like crazy.

It was 107 here today so my garden walk this morning and evening were quick to get done what I needed and get back inside. I will try to get pictures of all the rose bushes tomorrow. They are in need of love but they show a great deal of promise.

Happy Gardening to Everyone!

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