Friday, June 22, 2012

My Morning Garden Walk

It has become my routine each morning when I get up and at night before I go to bed to do a walk through of our garden. It simply amazes me the difference I can see between morning and evening, or from evening until the morning.

The first exciting thing I found on my walk this morning was the new green bean bed we started. Today makes day 6 that it has been planted and wow what a difference there was this morning. Look at the guys standing up so tall and proud. They are not all up yet, but certainly you can see that they are working hard at breaking through the ground and reaching for the sunshine.

When I go out this evening and check on everything we will see what the difference is by then. It would be my guess that all the beans or the biggest part of them will all be up and standing within two days.

The next bed I checked on was the strawberry patch. I have to tell you that up til this year that patch was not in very good shape. A lot of that had to do with the fact that there were so  many surgeries in the past two years that the poor things were ignored a lot. Hubby built the first level of the garden box around then and then we added compost and soil. As they put out new runners we are raising the ground level so that the bed itself will eventually be two levels high like the rest of our boxes. Since we have Everbearing Strawberries they will continue to produce for most of the summer. This small change and clean up that we did on the patch has made a massive difference. We are getting more strawberries than we ever have and they are tending to be much larger than in previous years.

As I'm home more now to watch each individual bed I'm learning the watering patterns they like and that is also making a big difference. The strawberries like to be wet down and they are happy, however, I have found that if I just about drowned the Asparagus they are in veggie heaven and will produce more. Side note while talking about Asparagus, if you are growing or attempting to grow them, adding salt to the ground will help a great deal. In fact ours wouldn't even start coming up until we added the salt. We just used the same type of salt as you would buy at a farm store for cattle.

There is a lot more I wanted to share and photo's I had taken this morning, but I keep getting interupted. :) So I'll sit down this evening after I get done checking again and finish this. You will be suprised by the picture I will have of the green bean bed. I walked by it a few minutes ago and already there is a huge difference from this morning.

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