Monday, June 25, 2012

Despite the fact that it is crazy muggy outside I managed to get out and do my Garden Walk. I was snapping pictures left and right and looked down to see what the count was. It said I had take 1837 pictures! Knowing there must have been a glitch with my camera I continued taking pictures to find that I had indeed  only take 50 pictures.

I have several things to share wtih you today. We started the new box with carrots, radish and parsley so I got quite a start when I looked in that box just two days later.

I also have some pictures on here to show you that Raised Bed Gardening doesn't always have to be in a 4x4 box, there are many styles and ways you can do this.

I was so happy this weekend to get hubby to put the stem protectors on our Blackberry Bushes then read how a man did that to his Apple Trees and got all kinds of ants and bugs building homes in there and it destroyed his trunk of the tree. So hubby took an organic bug spray and sprayed down in the tubes to stop that kind of thing happening and since the ones we got are the spiral cut protectors we will be able to check it from time to time without it being a huge issue.

Okay on to the photos's. This was the suprise we got this morning when we looked in the new bed we started. I know it's hard to see but if you look carefully right in the middle you will see that in two days time the Radish' are already coming up. We are just so tickled.

In this picture you can see the white spiral cut pvc
 pipe. It sinply is there to protect the  trunk from the weed
eater. Even when you are so very careful with those things
 accidents can happen. I've seen it many times.
We had these fence sections around the house
we had at one time planned to use then to make a fence around our garde area, however, even after they have been put in the ground with stakes they are so wobbly for a fence. Now with the bushes wrapping around it etc it is working well for the bushes and I didn't have to go to the added expense of buying something else for them.
This is a purchased 4x4 Raised Garden Box. We
purchased this one simply because it was on sale
and the price was right. Under normal conditions
these cost a lot more than it does to make your own.
The two level wooden boxes that you see in my
pictures cost us a grand total of $12 per box. The
above box was on sale for $20 I think. We got
it to see if we preferred those or the ones we make.
The boxes we make won hands down.
The brown barrel with the Rose Bush in
is is called a Whiskey Barrel. They also are
 wonderful for putting plants in.
This was an idea we  had and I'm very happy with
it. This Bat plant loves to be in direct sunlight for
the biggest part of the day.Rather than trying to find
someplace to hang the pot I opted to just sit it in our
Hummingbird flower bed. When it gets closer to winter
all I have to do it go out and pick this guy up pot
and all and take him inside.

This again is one of the same barrels, they
just work like a charm. Then when I plant
something like a Rose in it, then come winter
we can pull it in the garage for a little
added protection from the winter weahter.

As I said above any container
will work, this is a barrel
that minerals come in for my
dad's cattle. Once they have eaten
all the minerals we clean them very
well and usually use some bleach
drill some drain holes in the bottom
and there we go, a huge pot for

I love this, used to be from a distance  you couldn't tell anything was planted there. Now you don't even have to get close to it and you can see the Loofah's on the right and the Cucumbers on the left and they are doing a fine job of climing up their arches. I have seen no further blooms on the Loofah but there are baby Cucumbers all over their plants.

As I worked on putting my pictures in here something crazy has happened to my page. I've had a devil of a time trying to get it lined out the way I wanted and in the order I wanted but the female computer didn't want to co-operate with my naturally blonde hair.

I ask your forgiveness if the order of this page is  time consuning and not at all very well put together. I guess that is part of the "fun" of starting with a new company and learning how their programs function.

I hope you all have a blessed day in our Lord today! 

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