We are just so grateful and happy over the rain that soaked our cracked and dried out land all day yesterday. Ponds here have dried up and it has been a major struggle just to try and keep the little bit of garden we have left going.
I went out the day before we were to get all the rain and took a load of pictures and am heading out in a few minutes to take some now that we have had a good soaking. I imagine to see a great change starting to take place in our beds. While we do continue to water our beds when there is no rain one just could not imagine that rain water would make such a difference.
As our grandson so nicely pointed out to me, when God sends us water it is good for the garden because God has the best water. Boy oh boy for a 5 year old he is smarter than many adults I know.
So stop by and check it out I should have the pics up this weekend but I do have 2 cases of cucumbers that need to be made into pickles today and a garage sale to get ready for next weekend. Should have the pics up by Monday evening at the latest oh and surprise surprise I now have pictures of Loofah Gourds that have finally started to grow. I fear it is to late in the season for them to mature before the first frost but will keep our fingers crossed and see. Irregardless if that happens or not I have the pictures so if you try to grow your own you will be able to identify when they start to grow.